We’re going to understand what the foundation of the world is today, and we’re going to understand the difference between world and earth. They’re not the same word.
We have to really understand that. We’re going to understand the foundation of the world and the kingdom of God.
Now, in Matthew, chapter 6 verse 33,
“But seek (second, third, or fourth) the kingdom of God and His…” First, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
So the kingdom of God is what the spirit is supposed to seek first.
The foundation of the world is not the kingdom of God.
They both have a different foundation. The kingdom of God is built on who? He is the kingdom of God. You don’t enter a place, you enter Him.
That’s the kingdom of God.
Blessings beloved,
Emerson Ferrell
This is only a small portion of the teaching, “Entering the Spiritual Dimensions“