The greater you understand your responsibility of what you see, what you think, and how you judge, because as a high priest you’re responsible to God — you’re responsible for everything you partake in: when you forgive sins, when you administer forgiveness, when you administer peace the way away Melchizedek did Abraham—God’s going to take care of you. Here is the wealthiest man on the planet, who gives his tithes to Melchizedek. Do you think Melchizedek had to worry about finding money? You think Melchizedek had to worry about being taken care of? No, because he was part of that priesthood that God says, “I’m going to take care of My priest”

If you start to understand your responsibility as the priest of God, you’ll have “No Fear” of not having the wealth of God.

Blessings beloved,

Emerson Ferrell

This is only a small portion of the teaching, “The Melchizedek Priesthood