Messages After The Grave
The Invisible Image
The Last Adam comes back and He says, “Look, the spiritual authority that was given to the first Adam is now given to every generation that’s willing to take it from this point on.”
You don’t have to wait for something else to happen, it’s here, it’s readily available to those who can “see the Kingdom of God”. Now, the first thing that Jesus said was, “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” (see Matthew 6:33)
And He also said, “Those who are born of the Spirit can see the Kingdom.” (see John 3:3)
So, what Jesus brought us was the ability to see the Kingdom through a “new birth”, through a resurrection into our original condition, which was “in Him”. So, when Jesus comes and He says, “I’m giving you the Kingdom, it’s My pleasure to give you theKingdom,” (see Luke 12:32) this is the place that He did it, right there (“within you” – read Luke 17:20-21).
Blessings beloved,
Emerson Ferrell
This is only a small portion of the teaching, “The Invisible Image”.