Messages After The Grave

What is Life?

“God became flesh,” which was a Quantum Wave Function. He came as flesh from the mouth (the word) of God. He is the Word of God, He is the Spirit of God, He is the Image (the Invisible Image) that we have spoken of. So, when He became flesh, He did what the first Adam could not do: He overcame the foundation of this world by losing His life so then He could save the world system from itself. That’s what the Kingdom of God is, it’s laid out all over the earth, but men can’t see it because they’re too busy trying to survive in this dimension, and the Kingdom of God is not visible by the senses you have to discern it in the spirit; and that can only be done when you are more spirit than you are flesh (more wave than particle).

Blessings beloved,

Emerson Ferrell

This is only a small portion of the teaching, “What is Life?”.